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More than a trademark of Santaconstancia®, the CO2 control® family of fabrics fulfills our purpose of offering friendlier solutions for people and the environment.


In the history of Sta ® , the transition to the 21st century saw a lot of reflection on the practices carried out by the global textile market. The records of world population increase, the needs of natural resources and environmental respect were themes that demanded collective purposes and responsibilities.

We decided to assume the commitment to avoid the worst, improve the existing and encourage the best initiatives. Since then, the search for better practices and materials has guided our purposes and actions to offer functional fabrics, with our recognized fashion style, and above all, more friendly to the skin and the environment.

It was from then on that Sta ® intensified its investments in research, equipment and actions to respond to new demands where, in order, People and Planet were the main vectors to determine the company's new Purposes. As a consequence, seek economic prosperity for the continuity of its activities.

In 2007, under the registration of the brand and concept CO 2 Control ® , Sta ® takes its first step by launching a product concept that seeks harmony with the new demands required, as well as consolidating the company's position in the direction of the established purposes.

In 2014, we made enormous progress towards our purpose, through the implementation of high-impact initiatives.

The rational use of water has always been one of Santa's main concerns, as in addition to being the precious liquid of life, it is not always available to everyone. So at that point, we set ourselves the challenge of finding a solution. Therefore, since then, the water used by Santa for dyeing and printing its fabrics has been reused. We do not use potable water. This was possible thanks to a partnership with SABESP (São Paulo State Sanitation Company), ensuring that the water in its production process is always treated after use, later returning to the process in a continuous, closed-circuit system.
